Technical International expert–Industrial strategic innovations in TAIWAN, ITRI

Détail de l'offre

Informations générales

Organisme de rattachement

Expertise France  



Date de début de diffusion


Date de parution


Intitulé long de l'offre

Technical International expert – Industrial strategic innovations (M/W) in TAIWAN, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI).

Date limite de candidature




Nature du contrat

CDD de 2 ans

Description du poste


Fonction Publique de l'Etat


Catégorie A (cadre)

Nature de l'emploi

Emploi ouvert aux titulaires et aux contractuels

Domaine / Métier

International - Conseillère spécialisée / Conseiller spécialisé à l'étranger

Statut du poste


Intitulé du poste

Technical International expert–Industrial strategic innovations in TAIWAN, ITRI

Descriptif de l'employeur

Expertise France

Descriptif du service

Mission description:

To be assigned by the Bureau Français de Taipei (BFT) to serve as a new Technology Expert at the Industrial Technology Research Institute in Taiwan, your main role will be to facilitate and strengthen collaboration between the French and Taiwanese technology and industrial innovation ecosystems. You will be responsible for understanding the latest technological advances in both countries, identifying opportunities for synergies and promoting strategic partnerships (European programs, bilateral programs), in the priority sector of Quantum Computing.

Description du poste

Project description:

The expert’s mission is to enhance synergies between the two ecosystems notably within the key domain of Quantum Computing, fostering a collaborative and mutually beneficial partnership between France and Taiwan. The ultimate goal is to transform technological collaboration in the quantum field into industrialization projects, generating benefits for both the French and Taiwanese economies and societies.

Main tasks and results:

Identify possible areas of cooperation for breakthrough innovations that are likely to lead to industrialization projects:

·        -Monitor sectoral policies in both countries and Europe to identify opportunities.

·       -Identify key areas of innovation in both countries and collaborative potential as well as assess their industrial opportunity for the benefit of both parties.

·       -Constantly monitor funding opportunities available in France and Europe, for which Taiwan industries and RTOs may be involved as a partner.

Speed up and steer the implementation of these cooperative projects by mobilizing the relevant players (public and private) on both French and Taiwanese sides:

·         -Assist ITRI in establishing links with companies, RTOs, academic institutions, government bodies and start-ups in France and Europe.

·         -Facilitate technological partnerships by organizing meetings between key players, as well as assisting in organizing delegations to France and Europe.

·         -Organize focused events and activities to engage both parties in building collaborative projects

Manage the implementation of collaborative projects between France and Taiwan:

·       -Facilitate French involvement within Eureka Globalstars programs launched by Taiwan, ensuring effective communication between the teams on both sides and guaranteeing deadlines.

·      -Introducing French companies likely to take part in those international collaboration programs and collaborate with Taiwan companies and ITRI.

·        -Lobbying French institutions, such as BPI, in order to elaborate a global partnership framework for the years to come.

Communication and Promotion:

·      -Promote the successes and advances resulting from Franco-Taiwanese collaborations.

·      -Identify contacts and events in France to promote ITRI and take part in international conferences and events to raise the profile of Taiwan innovation ecosystem.

·       -Help ITRI colleagues to become better acquainted with the French and European innovation ecosystem.


Conditions particulières d'exercice

Working structure: Working with the employees of Industry, Science and Technology International Strategy Center (ISTI), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI).

-       Reporting directly to:

o    Jeff Lin, Vice-President of ITRI and General Director of ITRI/ISTI

o    James Gwo, Deputy General Director, ITRI/ISTI

-       Team composition  number of persons and job titles to be filled

o    Yuliang Chung, International Affairs Officer , Europe Office, ITRI/ISTI

o    Roberto Lai, Deputy International Affairs Officer, Europe Office, ITRI/ISTI

o    Christine Chou, Division Director, Europe Industry Research Division, ITRI/ISTI

o    Thomas Chang, Business Director, ITRI/ISTI

o    Jean-Baptiste Fichet, Administrator, ITRI/ISTI

Descriptif du profil recherché


Training: Master degree minimum (Science or engineering degree expected).

Experience: significant experience of the French and European industrial innovation ecosystems and international partnerships expertise, especially the quantum ecosystem.

Competencies: Excellent communication skills, good organizational skills and ability to work independently.

Languages: Fluency in French and English is paramount. A good understanding of Mandarin is a plus.


Professional experience: 3 years minimum

Temps plein


Informations complémentaires

Informations complémentaires

Prise de fonction souhaitée : à partir du 01/09/2024.
Lieu de travail : Taipei, TAIWAN.
Type de contrat : contrat de travail de droit privé (les agents publics seront détachés auprès d’Expertise France pour la durée de la mission).
Rémunération établie selon la politique de rémunération d’Expertise France : salaire de base + le cas échéant forfait famille + prime d’expatriation + prise en charge des frais de logement* et, le cas échéant, de gardiennage* + prise en charge des frais de scolarité * pour les enfants accompagnant l’expert dans le pays de résidence + billets d’avion aller-retour adresse contractuelle – lieu de résidence, soit 1 aller initial, 1 aller-retour intermédiaire, 1 retour final + prise en charge des frais de déménagement* et de visa* + Couverture sociale (CFE, mutuelle, prévoyance).
(Les éléments signalés par une * correspondent à des frais remboursés à l’expert sur justificatifs, dans la limite du budget alloué par Expertise France).

NB : Les candidat(e)s intéressé(e)s par cette opportunité sont invité(e)s soumettre leur dossier (CV + Lettre de motivation) dans les meilleurs délais, Expertise France se réservant la possibilité de procéder à la présélection avant cette date.

Deadline for application : 03/03/2024 23:59


Localisation du poste

Asie, Taïwan

Lieu d'affectation (sans géolocalisation)


Critères candidat

Niveau d'études / Diplôme

Niveau 7 Master/diplômes équivalents


Spécialités pluriscientifiques

Niveau d'expérience min. requis


Documents à transmettre

L'envoi du CV et d'une lettre de motivation est obligatoire


Date de vacance de l'emploi
